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EDITORA BANDEIROLA irá editar romances policiais e thrillers brasileiros

A editora Bandeirola ganhou mundo em abril de 2018 com o lançamento do LIVRO DE ANOTAÇÕES PARA VIAGENS REAIS E IMAGINÁRIAS, EU e CERVA...

terça-feira, 18 de outubro de 2011

The Heart of the Matter, de Graham Greene

Penguin Books, 1978, 300 g

Preço de venda: R$ 12,50
272 páginas, livro de bolso, papel jornal amarelado ótimo para leitura, em inglês, em boas condições gerais."Scobie is a highly principled police office in a war-torn West African state. When he is passed over for promotion he is forced to borrow money to send his despairing wife away on a holiday. In her absence he falls hopelessly in love with Helen, a young widow, and his life is transformed by the experience. With a duty to repay his debts and an inability to distinguish beteen love, pity and responsability to others and to God, Scobie moves inexorably to his final damnation..." L
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