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EDITORA BANDEIROLA irá editar romances policiais e thrillers brasileiros

A editora Bandeirola ganhou mundo em abril de 2018 com o lançamento do LIVRO DE ANOTAÇÕES PARA VIAGENS REAIS E IMAGINÁRIAS, EU e CERVA...

segunda-feira, 13 de outubro de 2014

Maigret in Vichy, de Georges Simenon

Harcourt Brace, 1984, 200 g

Preço de venda: R$ 10,00.
178 páginas, obra em inglês, 11 x 17 cm, livro usado, em boas condições gerais. "Paris has taken its and Maigret is sent to Vichy for the cure, but the Inspector finds it difficult to give his curiosity a rest. He compiles a mental dossier on his fellow guests, including a curious woman he and Madame Maigret note in particular - the lady in lilac. When a headline in the local paper announces the woman's murder, Maigret - with some relief - interrupts his routine to aid the investigation. The arrival of the dead woman's sister provokes more questions than answers, but Madame Maigret, as alwayus, puts everything in the proper perspective." V
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